O N L I N E   P A Y M E N T   F A C I L I T Y

Welcome to our online payment facility. Herein, you can pay us via credit cards (Visa or Mastercard) or through Net Banking.

There are 4 simple steps in this process:
1. You share the details about the payment (amount and purpose for payment, ex: "payment for AD in EFY Jan 2013")
2. You share your details
3. You share your credit card / net-banking details with the payment gateway of the bank
4. If the payment goes through--we issue an online receipt

Note: Details shared under step 3 are not stored with us--they are stored by secure servers of payment gateway

Step 1: Payment Details

Details about payment:
(Note: You may share whatever details you can--to tell us what is this payment about. Ex: Payment for AD in EFY Jan 2013 issue OR Payment for subscription to EFY 5 years under scheme titled "20% off") (Maximum characters: 400)
Amount:   INR    USD (Note: Do not put any non-numeric characters here. OK: 20000 or 5500. Not Ok: Rs 20000 or 5,500.)